Consulting in the counseling profession typically involves a counselor providing expert advice, guidance, or recommendations to an individual, group, or organization. This could involve helping to develop or improve programs, providing training, or assisting in problem-solving around specific issues. The consultant is an expert in a particular area and is called upon to provide their specialized knowledge and perspective. The relationship is often more short-term and focused on specific goals or projects.
Areas for consulting services include:
- Consultations
- Co-parenting
- Divorce plan (Non- legal)
- Co-parenting
- Parent child relationships
- “Do We Divorce” decisions
- Adult child/parents relational
- Dating/Engagement/Next steps
- Dealing with adolescents or teens
- Work-related decisions
- Failure to launch
- Family relationships
- In-law relationships
- Pre/post marital consults
- Caregiving of aging parents
- Family dynamics struggles