When the news of TikTok’s possible shutdown spread, it sent shockwaves through its millions of users. Some people thought it was all a bit crazy, but it showed something really important: the real connections and communities people make online. This wasn’t just about a social media app; it was about the human relationships that happen inside its digital walls.
Online Relationships Are Real Relationships
For years, the idea that online interactions could lead to meaningful social connections was met with skepticism. People argued that without face-to-face interaction, these connections couldn’t be real or authentic. But the outcry over TikTok’s upcoming disappearance showed that it wasn’t simple and had complicated emotional consequences. People weren’t just mourning the possible loss of an app; they were grieving the spaces where they had shared their stories with others, the new friends they made, the mentors and teachers they found, and even the support they had in moments of loneliness. Just like in-person friendships, online relationships can be built on trust, shared experiences, and mutual support—factors that are crucial to human connection.
Lessons From the TikTok Community
TikTok’s near-shutdown gave us a chance to see how deep online relationships can go. For many, it wasn’t just about watching videos; it was a place where they felt like they belonged. Creators and viewers alike formed communities where they felt seen and understood. These spaces gave people a sense of validation and friendship, often crossing borders like geography, culture, and social status. The potential loss of this platform wasn’t just about losing an app; it was about losing the relationships and communities that were built there.
Think about the friendships that started in the comments, the collaborative projects that came from duets, and the support groups that formed around shared challenges. These connections are just like the ones we have in the real world: people finding and supporting each other through shared passions and vulnerabilities.
Breaking the Stigma Around Online Communities
The TikTok shutdown scare is a wake-up call that it’s time to let go of old ideas about online relationships. In our super-connected world, digital spaces are just as important as physical ones in helping us connect with others. From friends to mentors, romantic partners to business partners, the internet lets us build bonds that are just as meaningful as those we make in person.
Sure, the way we connect may be different, but the heart of these relationships is still the same: understanding each other, talking to each other, and sharing experiences. Ignoring the value of online interactions makes it hard to understand how many people’s lives have been positively changed by online communities.
Mental Health and Online Communities
The role of digital platforms in supporting mental health cannot be overstated. People online find a sense of belonging and understanding through communities that discussed topics like anxiety, depression, and self-care. These spaces provided access to mental health resources, shared coping strategies, and fostered a sense of hope. When TikTok shut down for less than a day, many reported symptoms such as increased anxiety, feelings of isolation, and even grief.
The Dangers of Social Media
While social media platforms offer countless opportunities for connection and community building, it’s important to acknowledge the potential dangers as well. One of the most significant risks is the influence that social media can have on mental health. Excessive use can lead to feelings of inadequacy, as users compare themselves to curated and often unrealistic portrayals of others’ lives. This phenomenon, often referred to as “social media envy,” can contribute to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.
Another concern is the addictive nature of social media platforms. The endless scroll of content, combined with algorithms designed to maximize engagement, can result in hours spent online, often at the expense of real-world responsibilities and relationships. This can lead to a cycle of dependency that’s difficult to break.
Additionally, social media platforms can sometimes amplify negativity, including cyberbullying, misinformation, and polarizing content. These issues can create a toxic environment for users and exacerbate existing mental health struggles. For younger audiences, in particular, the lack of regulation and exposure to harmful content poses serious risks.
While the benefits of social media are undeniable, these dangers remind us of the importance of using these platforms mindfully and setting boundaries to protect our well-being.
Moving Forward
The panic surrounding TikTok’s potential shutdown (and its short-lived actual shutdown) was a wake-up call for many. It reminded us that online platforms are not just about scrolling or entertainment; they are about connection. As we move forward, it’s important to recognize and respect the value of online relationships. They are not lesser or secondary to in-person relationships—they are simply another way for humans to connect and thrive.
It’s not about TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Xiaohongshu, or any other social media app — it is about the power of online relationships, the next level of human social connections, and them being just as impactful as face-to-face interactions.